You Won't Believe How Often St. John Paul II Visited the Eucharist

You Won't Believe How Often St. John Paul II Visited the Eucharist / The Eye of the Storm with Jason Evert

In a beautiful video produced by, Jason Evert shares what a priest who knew St. John Paul II said about his devotion to Jesus in the Eucharist:

“I asked a priest who was friends with [St. John Paul II], ‘How often would he go to visit the Eucharist,’ and he said, ‘About 20 times a day, in and out, in and out, in and out.'”

And why did St. John Paul II visit the Eucharist so often?

“The source of the holiness of every saint has always been the same: Christ. So whether it’s St. Thérèse of Lisieux, or whether Thomas Aquinas or John Paul II, they all drank from the same fountain, which is Christ.”

Because Catholics believes that the Eucharist, in a mysterious by real way, is Christ himself.

Jason Evert has lots of other great insights about the Eucharist, and you can watch the full video on the OneBillionStories website.