This College Pro-life Video Is Amazing: "I Want to Help You"
This beautiful video below was produced by Loyola Students for Life, a pro-life student group at Loyola University in Chicago. Let’s help it go viral!
Katie Melody, a student in the group, explained to ChurchPOP why they made the video. “Our university is pro-life, but nonetheless students who want abortions are able to get them elsewhere in the city. We have decided to combat this head-on by engaging students in conversations about abortion on our activism days, which are held on a monthly basis, and by engaging in service, so we help out at maternity homes, pregnancy resource centers and adoption agencies.”
She continued, “We also are committed to spreading pregnancy resources on campus. Our main resource is our pamphlet which includes nine pro-life on-and-near campus resources that can help a pregnant student financially, materially, spiritually, mentally, emotionally, etc. After we finished the pamphlet we came up with the idea for the video, and then we wrote and produced it as a student group.”
The group is not restricted to abortion, but is committed to a full-life ethic. “In addition to our work in saving the lives of unborn children, we also are committed to helping those considering suicide.”
As their Facebook page says: “Here at Loyola Students for Life we support a consistent ethic of life from conception to natural death. We are here to CELEBRATE LIFE!!! WOO!!!”