What a fun collaboration and a beautiful way to evangelize!

Austrailian Catholic priest Father Sam French and Instagram influencer John is Catholic collaborated on a video entitled, “When Protestants Discover Mary.”

The duo takes the chorus to Kardinal Offishall’s "Dangerous" (ft. Akon) and remixes it to promote devotion to the Blessed Virgin Mary.

The video begins with “@johnisprotestant,” (played by John is Catholic) writing notes from protestant “Pastor Bob” (played by Father French.)

John has a sign on his shirt that says, “Sola Scriptura is LYF.” (Sola Scriptura refers to the Protestant concept that relies on Scripture alone for their Christian beliefs and Divine inspiration.)

John is Protestant daydreams about the Blessed Virgin Mary, just before Pastor Bob tells him to snap out of it.

The camera again goes back to John gazing at the Blessed Virgin Mary and praying the rosary while Pastor Bob tries to convince John that Our Lady “is dangerous.”

The video then shifts to Father French rapping about the importance of Our Lady and the teachings of the Catholic Church on her Immaculate Conception.

Watch the video below:

Check out the video's full caption:

“You’ll wanna see the end of this one…
This song is a celebration of Catholic devotion and love of Mary, Mother of God.
To many Protestants, we seem kinda crazy with our devotion to Mary. However, there’s a profound biblical basis for considering Mary an important part of our spiritual life.
In Genesis 3:15, after Adam and Eve’s rebellion, God declares enmity between the serpent and the woman, and between their offspring, foretelling that her seed will crush the serpent’s head. This indicates a perpetual struggle involving a woman and her child against the devil. The early Christians, like St. Irenaeus, saw this as a prophecy of Mary and Jesus. Mary, as the “new Eve,” plays a crucial role in this Divine plan.
Mary’s significance is highlighted throughout the Bible. In Luke 1:28, the angel Gabriel calls her 'full of grace.' At the Wedding at Cana (John 2:1-12), her intercession prompts Jesus’ first miracle, underscoring her role in guiding believers to Him. Elizabeth’s greeting in Luke 1:42, 'Blessed are you among women,' echoes the blessings bestowed upon women like Jael and Judith, who prefigured Mary’s role in crushing the enemy.
Revelation 12 depicts a woman clothed with the sun, with the moon under her feet and a crown of twelve stars, giving birth to a child who will rule the nations. This imagery not only presents Mary as the mother of Jesus but also connects her to the Ark of the Covenant, the sacred vessel of God’s presence. In 1 Samuel 5, the Ark’s presence causes the fall and decapitation of Dagon, symbolizing God’s power over false gods.
Mary’s perpetual virginity, Immaculate Conception, and Assumption are doctrines that highlight her unique role and purity, preparing her to bear God’s Son and stand as a model of faith and obedience. Devotion to Mary is not supposed to replace our faith and love of Jesus, but to draw us closer to Him through her pure and maternal love.”

As of this writing, the viral video reached almost 500,000 views and received about 25,000 likes. Several users expressed their love for Our Lady– even those who are not Catholic! 🙌

“I’m not Catholic, but you guys did great on this!” Susan Schmidt Smith commented. “As I’m getting older, I have been thinking more and more of Mary. Keep the good message!”

“I love Mother Mary and I have never felt more empowered as a woman than when I became a Catholic,” Sammie said.

“I love this,” Gayle Farr said. “I always look forward to your rapping, this coming from a 72-year-old non-Catholic who goes to Mass every Sunday. Next year at this time I will have gone through RCIA and will be a Catholic.”

This story originally appeared in Hollywood Catholic.

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