This is why we march!
ChurchPOP editors Jacqueline Burkepile and Caroline Bortle joined thousands of pro-lifers at the March for Life on Fri., Jan. 20, 2023 in Washington, D.C. We asked several marchers for their best signs, taking pictures all over the D.C. National Mall.
This year’s marchers held their signs with pride, expressing their passion for the pro-life movement post-Roe v. Wade.
They understood that while the Supreme Court overturned Roe in June of 2022, the fight still matters. Unborn children are in danger across the country, where abortion remains legal in multiple states.
Below, Jacqueline and Caroline snapped photos with priests, seminarians, high school students, religious sisters, and more.
Here’s some of the best signs we spotted during the 2023 March for Life:
These seminarians from St. Paul Seminary in St. Paul, Minn. held the sign, “Every person has the right to be born”:
This woman held a 40 Days for Life sign while listening to the march’s speakers:
Marchers waved this “adopt” flag while also listening to speakers:
This young high school student held a homemade Star Wars sign that reads, “Protect the Child! This is the way! – Students for Life”:
The sign below represents the National Association of Catholic Nurses. Pope Benedict XVI selected Marylee Meehan (right) to represent Catholic nurses all over the world through the Pontifical Council for Healthcare Workers.
Here’s their sign below:
Another man’s sign reads, “If you wouldn’t kill a puppy, don’t kill a baby. Life starts at conception.”
Another young lady held a sign that reads, “Pro-Life. A person’s a person, no matter how small. – Dr. Seuss”
This young man held a “choose life” sign. The sign also says, “we are the pro-life generation,” “choose life,” “life is my choice,” “unborn lives matter,” “I am not trash,” and more:
The woman below carried a sign that reads, “If you don’t believe in miracles…perhaps you’ve forgotten that you are one. Choose life!”
The group carried a sign that reads, “After Roe. There is life.”
The woman below carried a Life Action sign that reads, “Love them both.”
The young man’s sign below reads, “And he said to him: What hast thou done? The voice of they brother’s blood crieth to me from earth. – Gen. 4:10.”
The woman’s sign below reads, “UR Mom chose life.”
Another young woman’s sign reads, “She’s a child, not a choice.”
One young man held a sign that read, “Save the Baby Humans!”
Another group’s signs read, “He’s not your body. He’s your baby!” “Save a life. Save a generation!” “Women deserve better than abortion.”
The young man below held a homemade Star Wars sign that reads, “Protect the child. This is the way!”
The young woman’s sign below also reads, “Telling a woman she can’t be successful without the right to choose is inherently anti-woman!”
Another young lady’s sign reads, “The right to control your body should not include the right to terminate someone else’s.”
And finally, the last photo contains multiple signs. Here’s their signs below:
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[See also: Mom Offered Abortion 2 Days Before Birth for Down Syndrome Baby – Her Epic Response]
[See also: Man Kicks Pro-Life Sign at Catholic School & It Flips, Lands Upright in Miraculous Video]