Watch Kneeling Teens Sing Breathtaking Multipart Chant at the #MotelBarMass

Watch Kneeling Teens Sing Breathtaking Multipart Chant at the #MotelBarMass
Fr. Joshua Caswell, SJC / ChurchPOP

This might be one of the most beautiful things I’ve ever seen!

As you may heard by now, the Great Turnpike Mass of 2016 wasn’t the only Mass held in an unusual place by pro-lifers stranded by the blizzard. Another group of pro-life students who got stuck on the Pennsylvania Turnpike was able to make it to a nearby motel, where 250 kneeling students sang Gregorian chant and celebrated an ad orientem high Mass in the motel’s bar room!

“The students, many of whom are enrolled in our choirs,” Fr. Joshua Caswell, SJC, who was leading the group from St. John Cantius parish in Chicago, told ChurchPOP, “sang the Gregorian Chant ordinaries from the Missa de Angelis—and with gusto! The youth also sang some motets, including one in four parts.” He added: “I have never seen a more reverent scene.”

Read their full story here: Stranded Pro-Life Group Holds Ad Orientem High Mass in Motel Bar

If you were wishing you could’ve been there to this the holy and beautiful sight, you’re in luck! ChurchPOP was able to get a hold of two videos from the amazing Mass – both with the teens singing beautiful, multipart chant!

In this video you can hear them sing “Magnificat”:

And in this video you can hear them sing while receiving communion kneeling:

Isn’t this beautiful? Share your reaction in the comments!

[See also: The Best Photos of the Historic Turnpike Mass of 2016!]

[See also: The 15 Most Epic Signs at the March for Life 2016]