Father Donald Calloway: What Catholics Can Do About the Alarming Decline of Belief in the Real Eucharistic Presence

"Our Lady receiving the Eucharist" - Fr Lawrence Lew, O.P., Flickr, CC BY-NC-ND 2.0

Our Lord is wholly present in the Eucharist! 🙌

On this episode of “The Catholic Gentleman,” John Heinen joins Father Donald Calloway from the  Congregation of Marian Fathers of the Immaculate Conception of the Most Blessed Virgin Mary to discuss the alarming decline in belief in Christ's Real Presence in the Eucharist. 

With statistics showing less than one-third of American Catholics believe in the Real Presence, the gentlemen explain what this says about the Church today and what we can do about it!

Father Calloway points out this is not just an American issue but a global one, with countries like Italy showing up to a 90 percent decline in Mass attendance.

“We've got to take Him at His word...His intention is to save us, and this is how He saves us– through His Eucharistic presence.” 

Father Calloway says weak catechesis and lack of reverence in liturgy have often contributed to this confusion and disbelief.

Sometimes, the Eucharist is not even made the focal point of the sanctuary.

“It's the source, the summit of our faith, and He clearly says 'Unless you eat my flesh and drink my blood, you don't have life.'”

From his experiences as a convert and now as a priest, Father Calloway learned the placement of the Tabernacle and the way Mass is celebrated will significantly influence the congregation’s belief in the Eucharist.

For clergy and laity wanting to restore reverence and belief in the Eucharist, Father Calloway says to start practically: encourage receiving Communion on the tongue and dressing appropriately for Mass.

“If you have not been accustomed to receiving on the tongue, I as a priest would like to encourage you to at least try it.”

He also advocates for more Eucharistic adoration, a revival of confession, and visible acts of reverence, believing these can renew faith.

The gentlemen say that restoring reverence and proper catechesis will reignite belief in the Real Presence!

Watch this episode below 👇

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“My Jesus, I believe that You are present in the Most Holy Sacrament.” 🙏

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