"This is My Calling": Mark Wahlberg Reveals Mission, Why He Made "Father Stu"

Stuart Long (Mark Wahlberg) in Columbia Pictures' FATHER STU / Courtesy of Sony Pictures

This is a powerful interview!

Raymond Arroyo sat down with Mark Wahlberg for an interview on EWTN’s “The World Over” to discuss the new movie, “Father Stu”.

Wahlberg privately funded the six-year project about the little-known priest with an incredible story, Fr. Stuart Long.

During the 20-minute exclusive, Wahlberg explains why he chose this movie, why he funded it, what the role means to him, and how he hopes to impact viewers across the world.

“I have had a lot of real-life experience. I’ve made a lot of mistakes, and I’m continuing to do the work, and not look for cheap grace, and do the mission,” Wahlberg says. “The mission is to plant those seeds, to blossom and to do God’s work.”

Wahlberg says he also hit several roadblocks before making “Father Stu”. He turned to Our Lady and Fr. Stuart for intercession, as he knew God called him to complete the project.

“…I prayed about it and prayed about it. And I said, ‘No, I have to do this. This is my calling. There’s a very specific reason why I’ve been called to do this,’ he said. “I asked for Stu’s intercession. I asked for the Lord’s intercession in Mary. And I prayed about it every single day. “

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Wahlberg adds that he approached Mel Gibson (who plays Fr. Stu’s father in the movie) for advice.

“I asked Mel if I could sit down with him and talk to him. I was picking his brain about how he got “The Passion” made and all the obstacles…that he had to face and why he was compelled to finance it himself…”

The actor also explains why he believes his mission and purpose is “planting the seed” and spreading Christ’s Gospel.

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“[God] doesn’t give you the gifts and the talents until it’s time to utilize [them] in the right way — and for Him and not for yourself,” Wahlberg explains.

“So I’ve always been kind of saying, ‘Okay, what is my mission? What is my purpose?’ And planting the seed, letting it blossom, and then utilizing that to continue to spread His word.”

Listen to the full interview below:

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