These Creative Moms Celebrate Mary's Birthday With Their Families And This is How They Do It

These Creative Moms Celebrate Mary's Birthday With Their Families And This is How They Do It
Tracy Bua Smith, Peanut Butter & Grace

Happy Birthday to our Holy and Blessed Mother!

Every year, the Catholic Church celebrates the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary on Sept. 8. Just as we celebrate a loved one’s birthday, why not also celebrate the woman and Mother in heaven who loves us the most?

Two Catholic blogs, Shower of Roses and Peanut Butter & Grace, show their readers how to really throw a Catholic birthday party!

Jessica Gordon, a homeschooling mom of eight kids, celebrates Mary’s birthday every year with her family. The family normally bakes a bundt cake decorated with the Fleur-de-lis, which represents the Blessed Mother.

Check out their celebration below:

Jessica Gordon, Shower of Roses


Jessica Gordon, Shower of Roses

Gordon said that they use a circle of 10 candles, representing one decade of the rosary. She added that they “let the children take turns lighting the candles as we pray a ‘Hail Mary’ for each candle.”

How awesome!

Another Catholic blog, Peanut Butter & Grace,  recently advised their readers to “Celebrate Mary’s Birthday with Doughnuts, Cake, and Candles!”

Tracy Bua Smith, a homeschooling mom of five, shared how the families she knows celebrated Mary’s birthday over the years.

Check out the photos below:

Tracy Bua Smith, Peanut Butter & Grace

Smith said that they use glazed doughnuts for the “Our Father” beads, and doughnut holes for the “Hail Mary Beads. They also bake a cake in the shape of an “M,” which represents Mary’s name.  Here’s a close-up of the cake:

Tracy Bua Smith, Peanut Butter & Grace

Here’s another photo of a rosary made of donuts and cupcakes!

Tracy Bua Smith, Peanut Butter & Grace

They also made a rosary out of cupcakes!

Tracy Bua Smith, Peanut Butter & Grace

They also designed a rosary made up of cupcakes AND Hershey Kisses! YUM!

Tracy Bua Smith, Peanut Butter & Grace

Smith said that before eating these treats, the children and parents pray a decade of the Rosary and sing ‘Happy Birthday’ to Mary.

Have you ever celebrated Mary’s birthday? Sounds like a great idea to me!