The Supernatural Power of Holy Water: Its Meaning & Uses in Spiritual Life

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Caroline Perkins, ChurchPOP

Did you know that holy water can (and should!) be used by the laity regularly and is an incredibly powerful sacramental?

According to Saint Teresa of Avila,

“From long experience, I have learned that there is nothing like Holy Water to put devils to flight and prevent them from coming back again.They also flee from the Cross, but return; so holy water must have great virtue.” 

This is just one of the many uses and benefits of holy water.

Below you will find common questions about holy water answered alongside some practical suggestions for using holy water in your daily life!

Caroline Perkins, ChurchPOP

What is holy water?

Holy water is water that has been blessed by a priest and is used for various sacramental purposes.

According to the Catechism of the Catholic Church (1667), sacramentals are “sacred signs which bear a resemblance to the sacraments. They signify effects, particularly of a spiritual nature, which are obtained through the intercession of the Church.”

Is the use of holy water rooted in scripture?

  • Numbers 5:17 shows that holy water is based on scripture and has been around since the time of Moses.
  • According to Church tradition, Pope Saint Alexander I instituted the use of holy water.
  • Holy Water replaced an ancient Jewish tradition in which men washed their hands before praying, as a way of asking God to purify them.
Caroline Perkins, ChurchPOP

What does holy water symbolize?

  • Holy water symbolizes our Lord’s sweat on the Mount of Olives and the blood that flowed from his pierced side.
  • Purification and refreshment!
  • A special way to recall our baptism and baptismal promises.
Caroline Perkins, ChurchPOP

What are the effects of holy water?

  • Erases venial sins.

Saint Thomas Aquinas said,

“By the sprinkling of holy water, the debt of venial sin is wiped out; but not always, however, are all temporal punishments relinquished.”
  • Removes distractions in prayer.
  • It disposes us, with the grace of the Holy Spirit, to greater devotion.
  • Dispels the power of evil over people and places.
  • Scares away demons.
Caroline Perkins, ChurchPOP

Where can I get holy water?

Many parishes have a holy water font for the public to access. You can bring your own container to fill up! Even better, bring a few small ones and keep them in places where you’ll remember to use the holy water.

How can I use holy water daily?

  1. Bless yourself.
  2. Bless your family or children.
  3. Bless your workspace.
  4. Bless your home.
  5. Bless your vehicle.
Caroline Perkins, ChurchPOP

Is there an official prayer when using holy water?

There is no “official” prayer for the laity to recite when using holy water aside from the Sign of the Cross. The water itself has already been blessed by a priest.

However, you can add a simple prayer like, “By this holy water and by Your Precious Blood, wash away all my sins, O Lord. Amen,” or the Saint Michael the Archangel prayer.