The Spectacular Catholic Audio Bible You Should Definitely Download This Lent

The Spectacular Catholic Audio Bible You Should Definitely Download This Lent
Truth & Life Bible

Would you like to read more of the Bible?

There is an app that might be able to help, called Truth & Life (you may have seen its “Download Jesus” advertisements). It’s an audio version of the Bible, featuring popular celebrity voices like Neal McDonough, Stacy Keach, Kristen Bell, Sean Astin, Michael York, and others. The audio Bible features only the New Testament and is a dramatized version of the Scriptures.

The app and audio allows the Bible to come alive, and hopefully you have enough time to listen to the New Testament at least on your commute or when you’re exercising.

There is a lot of Lent left! There is still time to commit to reading the Bible and getting this app.

Here are five reasons to “Download Jesus” today:

1) Jesus rebuked Satan with Scripture

Every First Sunday of Lent we hear the Gospel of Jesus’ temptation. How does Jesus respond to the temptations of the devil? He quotes Scripture.

If we want to overcome the evil in our life, it is so important for us to know the Word of God. When we know the Scriptures, like Jesus, we too will be able to detect the lies of the devil and combat them.

2) Pope Francis wants you to read the Bible

Pope Francis, responding to the Gospel of Jesus’ temptation said, “Someone has asked: what would happen if we were to treat the Bible as we treat our mobile phone? If we were to always carry it with us, or at least a small, pocket-sized Gospel, what would happen? If we were to turn back when we forget it. You forget your mobile phone — ‘oh! I don’t have it, I’m going back to look for it.’ If we were to open it several times a day? If we were to read God’s messages contained in the Bible as we read telephone messages, what would happen?”

The Truth & Life Bible app is a great solution! Read the Bible and consult the Word of God on your phone. The Bible is always in your pocket, ready to be read or listened to.

3) Stations of the Cross

A great additional feature for purchase in the app is the Scriptural Stations of the Cross led by Fr. James Kubicki, SJ of the Apostleship of Prayer.

The Scriptural Stations are different from the traditional stations. These stations begin differently and have a few different stations. The Scriptural stations originated with Pope St. John Paul II in 1991 on Good Friday in Rome. With the in-app purchase, you will be able to pray the stations and place yourself along the Way of the Cross.

4) A new Fr. Mike Schmitz talk on Christ’s passion

Popular youth speaker, Fr. Michael Schmitz has recorded a 51 minute reflection to accompany the Stations of the Cross. It is now available at no extra cost for those who have downloaded the Stations. Fr. Michael’s reflection will help all who listen, appreciate more the suffering and passion of Jesus.

5) It’s at the best price right now

The Truth & Life app is available for free download, and the audio for one of the Gospels is provided free of charge.

Usually the other books of the New Testament cost $19.95, but during Lent that price has been slashed to $4.99! It’s a Lenten gift to help you fall in love with the Word of God for the rest of your life.

This video explains the amazing app a bit more:

And here’s a sample of the audio Bible (the story of the Wedding at Cana):

To learn more about it and download the app visit its website.

[See also: 5 Myths About the Bible & Catholics Too Many People Still Believe (Maybe Even You!)]

[See also: The Hidden Meanings of 28 Ancient Names from the Bible]