Content creator Mari Cuevas Wagner and her husband Trey Wagner shared the powerful reason they advise Catholic married couples to place a crucifix in their bedroom.

On her Instagram account, Mari said this sacramental is a special reminder of the love that should exist in a couple.

"In an act of love, Christ laid down his life for his bride, the Church."

She added that marriages should reflect Jesus' sacrificial love for the Church, a calling that the couple accepts at the altar.

"Traditionally, the groom wears black on his wedding day to mirror this action of dying for his bride. On the altar he lays down his old self, his old life, to devote himself completely to loving, protecting, and leading his bride to Heaven.
As brides, we lay down our old life to be led and loved by the man Christ has given us to be our husband and if God wills it, to lay down our life for the sake of new life—bearing and raising children."

Mari stressed that the vocation to marriage cannot be achieved without the help of Christ.

"A crucifix in our bedroom serves as a reminder of all of this and keeps Christ at the center of our marriage.
Let’s lift high the cross in our homes so that we may see it as we are purified and sanctified daily in our marriages."

Many users commented thanking her for this advice.

"We have the crucifix that we said our vows over on our wedding day hanging over our bed," one user wrote. "It’s such a beautiful reminder."

"I love this so much, I had no idea the groom wore black for symbolic reasons!" Instagram user Megan Anne added. "I was actually just talking about this passage with a friend!”

“Every Mexican household I walk into (including my childhood home) has this," Samantha Sandoval wrote. "I wish people took the significance behind this 'decor' more seriously."

"Yes!" Katherine Hulings said. "We have ours hanging above our bedroom door frame."

Do you have a crucifix in your bedroom?

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