Father Brad Doyle, Pastor of Our Lady of Mount Carmel in Saint Francisville, La., warmed the hearts of many on Instagram.
In the video, Father Doyle explains a part of the Code of Canon Law that applies to parish priests. This specific canon, or rule, states that every soul living in their parish's parish boundaries is their responsibility.
“Whether it’s a parishioner, whether it’s a daily Mass communicant, whether it’s someone who fell away from the Church, whether it’s a Presbyterian. Every single soul is your responsibility,” he says.
This, he adds, is called “care of souls,” and it is a duty he takes very seriously. He believes that the Lord gives parish priests a special grace to do so.
The video shows the young priest celebrating Mass, hosting a local trivia night, and visiting a jail within his parish boundaries.
“You love your people, and your people aren’t just the ones in the pews,” Father Doyle concludes.
The video caption reads,
“The pastor exercises, ‘the pastoral care of the community committed to him under the authority of the diocesan bishop in whose ministry of Christ he has been called to share, so that for that same community he carries out the functions of teaching, sanctifying, and governing, also with the cooperation of other presbyters or deacons and with the assistance of lay members of the Christian faithful…’ (Can. 519)
A priest is given the grace to serve not only those who attend Mass on Sunday but every soul within his parish boundaries. Father Brad Doyle, Pastor of Our Lady of Mount Carmel in Saint Francisville, has dedicated part of his priestly ministry to serving inmates in the various prisons within his parish—a privilege he could only experience as a priest.”
Father Josh Johnson, a fellow priest in the Diocese of Baton Rouge, replied in the post’s comments.
“Father Brad Doyle is an inspiration. When he was ordained in 2015, he understood the assignment! His priesthood isn’t just for the people in the pews…. It is for every person who lives in the geographical boundaries of his parish!”
According to the Our Lady of Mount Carmel website, Father Brad Doyle,
“...loves the Lord and his Church, and desires all to know that their true fulfillment and ultimate goal is to become the saint they are called to be.”
You can access his podcast, “Trivia with the Padre,” on Apple Podcasts.