The Dark Agenda of Mainstream Diaper Companies & The Pro-Life Alternative Catholics Should Know About

diapers, diapers huggies, diapers pampers, diapers luvs, planned parenthood, abortion
EveryLife, YouTube

At the Sidewalk Advocates for Life Conference, Chief Creative Officer of EveryLife Diaper Company Kellie Crowe, sat down with EWTN Pro-Life Weekly host Prudence Robertson. Together, they discussed EveryLife, a new brand that hit the shelves this past July.

Since then, EveryLife has sparked national discussion and has received the rightful attention of pro-life advocates around the nation. 

“We believe that every baby is a miracle and regardless of the baby’s background, socio-economic status, even the circumstances of conception, every baby is a miracle from God that deserves to be loved, protected, and supported… That’s our mission.”

Click here if you cannot see the video above.

During their interview, Crowe shared some frightening discoveries about popular household diaper companies such as Huggies and Pampers.

In fact, Huggies has a history of matching employee contributions to Planned Parenthood.

Pampers and Luvs, both manufactured by Procter & Gamble, have actively paid for their employees to travel for out-of-state abortion procedures.

Crowe also notes how several other diaper brands shared their disapproval of the overturning of Roe v. Wade on social media. 

Companies actively seeking to be your top choice in diaper care, something so intimate for a mother and baby, simultaneously support their slaughter in the womb.

Apparently, valuing a baby's life is not a requirement for working in this industry. Who knew? 

Crowe continued sharing the frightening direction corporate America is moving toward, as the pro-abortion sentiment becomes the new norm.

“It has been a very slow but slippery slope that has happened over time in America… but it’s really ramping up now," she says. 

So how can a newer diaper company take a stand and make a pro-life impact?

Crowe shares that investing in the community allows her company to help mothers in need. 

“We are joining the larger pro-life movement and we are locking arms with all of these organizations that are standing with life," she continues.

“We partner with pregnancy resource centers in urgent need, and when we find out there is a need in an underserved area, we ship them diapers.

"One of the primary reasons mothers choose abortion is because they’re concerned about providing for their babies. If there is something we can do to help with diapering, we’re going to do it.” 

"Buy for a Cause" Program 

EveryLife has a unique program: Buy for a Cause.

It allows people to purchase diapers for a special cause listed on their website. They will then donate those diapers to an organization in need in an effort to spread their mission. Most recently, they donated over 100,000 diapers to Maui following the wildfires. 

When asked about the future of the company, Crowe says we can expect big things. She shares their plans for expansion, including adding new products to their catalog.

In a surprising addition to the EveryLife team, professional surfer and mother Bethany Hamilton recently joined as a brand ambassador! 

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“We want to reach households and give people an option to align their dollars with their values," Crowe explains. "People are spending hard-earned money on companies doing things with their dollars that we are fully against…We want to give people a wonderful alternative, and that’s what we’re going to do."

In the world we now find ourselves in, the pro-abortion agenda is loud and clear. The culture of death seeps into something so innocent such as diaper care, and the media celebrates an anti-life sentiment as the new normal.

As Catholics, we should stand for life as often as possible with our time and money.

Parents deserve to know what their dollars support, which diaper brands they choose for their babies, and which brands spend millions supporting the violent death of the unborn.

This October, during Respect Life month, we choose to celebrate trailblazers in the pro-life community who actively seek to promote the family's well-being.

Every life is a gift from God meant to be protected and cherished. Thankfully, EveryLife diaper company leads the way in putting this core belief into practice. 

Watch the full interview with EveryLife's Kellie Crowe:

Click here if you cannot see the video above.

Learn more about EveryLife diapers here.