The Biblical Proof of the Catholic Church's 7 Sacraments

The Biblical Proof of the Catholic Church's 7 Sacraments
Pixabay, Public Domain

The sacraments are biblical! 😃

On this episode of the The Catholic Talk Show, Ryan Scheel, Fr. Rich Pagano, and Ryan DellaCross discuss, “Are the 7 sacraments in the Bible?”

The guys answer these questions about the sacraments:

• Why do Catholics baptize differently than Protestants?
• Is confession to a Priest Biblical?
• How the Letter of James explicitly contains Anointing of The Sick
• The Biblical proof of Confirmation by Bishops
• Is marriage a sacrament?
• Is the Catholic priesthood in the Bible?

Listen to the episode below:

Click here if you cannot see the video above. 

What did you learn about the sacraments?

[See also: The Lost Books of the Bible: The Little-Known Missing Epistle of St. Paul Mentioned in the Bible]

[See also: Why Confess Sins to a Priest? The Biblical Evidence for the Sacrament of Reconciliation]