"The Bible Comes Alive": Why This YouTube Star Loves Praying the Rosary

"The Bible Comes Alive": Why This YouTube Star Loves Praying the Rosary
LizzieAnswers, YouTube

YouTube star Lizzie Reezay announced in early 2018 that she became Catholic.

She also posted a video saying she loves praying the rosary.

She explained its history, “the use of prayer beads in Christianity,” how to pray it, where the different parts of the rosary come from, and how its impacted her faith.

Listen to her awesome explanation below!

Why Lizzie Reezay loves praying the rosary:

“Love the Madonna and pray the Rosary, for her Rosary is the weapon against the evils of the world today.” – St. Padre Pio

O Most Holy and Blessed Mother, pray for us!

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