Pray for this faithful priest! 🙏
Father David Michael Moses of Good Shepherd Catholic Community in Spring, Texas announced he would hear confessions for 18 hours straight for two days this week.
Father Moses is a renowned priest with a large social media following.
The 29-year-old priest, musician, and Catholic speaker first announced his plan on Dec. 13. He advertised “18 hours of confessions” scheduled for Dec. 17.
Here’s his first post below:
Father David Michael Moses, Facebook
The post reads, “I’ll be hearing Confessions from 6 a.m. to Midnight (I’ll step out for Mass 8:30-9 am) on Saturday, December 17th.”
“The stable was dirty, but your soul doesn’t have to be. Welcome Jesus with a pure heart this Christmas!”
Due to “hundreds of people” coming to his first 18-hour stretch, Fr. Moses added another 18-hour confession stretch to the schedule.
Here’s his second post below:
Father David Michael Moses, Facebook
“Let’s run it back! We had hundreds of people come to the Sacrament on Saturday, so I’ll be hearing confessions again all day (6 am – Midnight) this Wednesday at St. Joseph’s,” the priest’s second announcement reads.
“I don’t know what you’ve done, but I do know God has enough mercy to take care of it. See you Wednesday!”
In an update published on Thurs., Dec. 22, Fr. Moses said he heard “over 300 confessions” on Dec. 21. He thanked his followers, saying “this is just the beginning.”
Here’s his post below:
His post reads, “My heartfelt gratitude to everyone who shared the posts about Confession this week. I heard over 300 Confessions yesterday alone and many came because they saw a shared post or received a personal invitation from a friend.
“I might have been the one to offer absolution, but you were the reason they came. You were an instrument of His mercy in their life… and it was beautiful to witness. Renewal is coming. This is just the beginning. May Jesus Christ be praised!”
His confession times gained viral attention on social media, receiving at least 1,000 reactions and 100 comments.
Here’s what some users said:
“This is am amazing thing that you do Father,” Facebook user Valerie Petroski wrote.
“I’m so drawn to these opportunities that you give us all to receive the sacrament of reconciliation. I don’t know how to put into words how you have taken away the fear that many have about confession and replaced it with a huge “spiritual hug!”.
“God has a way of bringing peace and healing to the people through you; through the priesthood. Thank you for being a good and holy priest. Thank you for your sacrifice. Thank you for these extended hours of reconciliation. God bless you!”
Facebook user Theresa Moore also wrote, “Thank you, Father David Michael Moses, for being the Heart and Hands and Feet of Jesus among us (even those of us who are far away)!
“Our world so badly needs faithful priests like you to help make Our Lord’s Light shine in the darkness! God bless you for making His Light shine for others to see!”
“I live nowhere near you, but can I just say, thank you!” Facebook user Cassi Mosher wrote.
“Confessions times are so rare and brief in my area (about a 30-minute time slot once a week at my own parish).
“I know it’s because so few people actually frequent the sacrament, but we certainly aren’t making any statements about its importance when we reduce its availability to such a degree,” she continued.
“I’ve always felt any ‘down time’ in the confessional could be well spent praying for the souls that need to come.”
“Thank you Fr. David Michael Moses for having the heart of Jesus in you!” Facebook user Tess Ed wrote. “You certainly are a true disciple faithful and dedicated to your ministry of bringing God’s love and mercy to all you encounter.”
Let us pray for Father Moses and all our priests! They need it! 🙏🙏🙏
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[See also: “Lord, Give Us Holy Priests”: St. Faustina’s Powerful Prayer for the Sanctity of Priests]
[See also: Priest’s Supernatural Experience Unveils Saving Power of Confession: “Cannonball into Mercy!”]