Tell Your U.S. Congressmen You Support Pro-Life Conscience Protection

Tell Your U.S. Congressmen You Support Pro-Life Conscience Protection
American Life League / Flickr

If you value your religious liberty, contact Congress!

Some freedoms, such as freedom of conscience and freedom of religion, are so fundamental that we have trouble imagining life in America without them. However, many are already finding this unthinkable situation to be a reality.

[See also: 5 Feminist Pioneers Who Were Against Abortion]

[See also: “I Regret My Abortion”: Heartbreaking Stories from Women Who Are Silent No More]

Those of us who do not wish to participate in providing abortions, either as health care workers or as employers who furnish healthcare to our employees, as well as those of us who do not wish to pay for abortion in health care plans we purchase, are facing a serious threat to our rights of conscience and religious liberty.

The need for legislation protecting the rights of conscience and religious liberty has grown more pressing. The Obama Administration’s contraceptive/abortifacient mandate under the Affordable Care Act (ACA) began to be enforced against religious nonprofit schools, charities and health care providers on January 1, 2014. More recently the state of California started forcing all health insurers in the state to include elective abortions in the health plans they sell.

These two problems are addressed by the Health Care Conscience Rights Act (H.R. 940). It would add a long-overdue conscience clause to the ACA, and strengthen the Weldon amendment that forbids governmental bodies which receive federal Health and Human Services funds from discriminating against those who decline to take part in abortion or abortion coverage.

Please let Congress know you value your rights of conscience protection and religious liberty. Let them know you want them to uphold our most cherished liberties and enact the policy of H.R. 940 into law.

Click here to contact your members of Congress.