"Take a Nap!": Franciscan Brother Says Good Sleep Can Help You Better Combat Sin

"Take a Nap!": Franciscan Brother Says Good Sleep Can Help You Better Combat Sin

How often do you take a nap?

Brother Leo Mary, MFVA, of the Franciscan Missionaries of the Eternal Word with EWTN recorded a video for the community’s Instagram page explaining the importance of good quality sleep.

In the video, Brother Leo says, “Father Angelus would tell us, 70% of our sins come from not sleeping enough. If you think about it, when you get irritable and cranky, it’s usually because you haven’t gotten enough sleep.

“So he said, ‘When in doubt, take a nap.’

“There was a lady that told me she went to confession to Father Angeles, and he said, ‘For your penance, take a nap.’

“‘She said, ‘I’ve never heard that before.’

“And yet, we need our sleep, and each person is different, so you need to know how much sleep you need. And so for me, I’m gonna take a nap.”

In conclusion, Brother Leo then humorously drops down on the bed.

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As of this writing, the Instagram video generated almost 45,000 views, 3500 likes, and nearly 100 comments.

Here’s what some users said about the video:

Nana Amobi Adoma said, “Very sweet [Brother]. I tried a nap when I was having a bad headache and it is a miracle. Just woke up from a nap and then saw your reel. Thank you.

Frances Dunham also wrote, “Amen! I have always guarded my sleep. When I don’t get my eight, I definitely am not at my best. Thank you [Brother]!”

“Absolutely 150 [percent] truth, Jae M. Oglesby added. “I notice that when I’m tired, everything irritates me. I’m restless and agitated. My mindset changes to negatives and the pity party begins. Then temptation kicks in and my armor feels too heavy. I’d remove it thinking I could carry on with a little less weight, wrong choice every time.

“I’ve learned that having some good food and a nice nap makes everything way better. God is truly amazing.”

How much sleep do we need?

Medical experts agree with Brother Leo’s comments about the importance of sleep.

While they may not mention the susceptibility to sin, the signs of sleep deprivation include irritability, crankiness, bad decision-making, and more.

According to WebMD, the average adult needs between seven and nine hours of sleep per night. However, this can vary depending on age and state in life.

Remember, our bodies are also temples of the Holy Spirit, and we must care for them. This includes sleep!

“Do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit within you, whom you have from God, and that you are not your own? For you have been purchased at a price. Therefore, glorify God in your body.” (1 Cor. 6:19-20)