Super Cute! This Video of a 3 Yr-Old Playing Mass Is Going Viral

Super Cute! This Video of a 3 Yr-Old Playing Mass Is Going Viral
Brandon Vogt, YouTube

This is one way to get new vocations to the priesthood!

Brandon Vogt, the well-known blogger, author, speaker who currently works for Bp. Robert Barron’s Word on Fire, recently posted a new video of his three-year-old son Augustine saying Mass on Easter Sunday.

And wow – he does such a great job! So it’s no surprise that the video has already gotten tens of thousands of views on Facebook and YouTube.

Vogt gives a bit more background on the video on his website:

When our family arrived home after Mass on Easter Sunday, our three-year-old son Augustine announced that he wanted to say Mass himself. (Partly because he’s pious, partly because he just wanted the free graham cracker used to say Mass.)

Here’s the video:

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