Statue of Christ Allegedly Weeps at Priest's Funeral: "He Looked Like He Was Alive"

Cuatrozapotlán Televisión, Facebook / ChurchPOP

A viral video from a Jalisco, Mexico parish depicts a statue of Christ allegedly weeping at a priest’s funeral.

Faithful at Our Lady of the Refuge parish, in Ciudad Guzmán, Jalisco, Mexico said they witnessed the statue weeping at their pastor’s funeral.

The church confirmed the priest’s death in a Facebook post.

“The death of [Father] Heriberto López Barajas is communicated to the entire parish community of Our Lady of the Refuge. Let us pray for him and his family. His farewell will be tomorrow, Saturday, at Mass, at 4:30 pm, presided over by Bishop Oscar Armando Campos Contreras,” the Facebook post says.

However, the parishioners said on Cuatrozapotlán Televisión that the image of Christ wept during Father Heriberto’s burial.

Here’s the newscast below:

Click here if you cannot see the video above.

In the video above, the anchor interviews a parishioner who discovered the weeping statue.

“I approached the Lord of Miracles to ask him to send me the relief of my knee,” the woman begins. “I turned to see his face so that he could see me and I see tears flowing from his eyes.”

She then explains why she believes Christ cried.

“I was left with the impression that miracle that I saw in his eyes–in his heart–that he is with us and is sad because our father, the priest, has left us. But He tells us with His tears that He is with us.”

The news station also captured a second video:

Click here if you cannot see the video above.

“I was out there recording as they buried him. They were lowering the image,” the anchor says in the second video. “Suddenly some people spoke to me, ‘teacher, teacher, come here, the Christ is crying‘”.

“The tears looked good,” he continues, “then people rioted, everyone one point his sores on his left cheekbone looked like he was alive.”

As the Holy Church teaches, we must proceed these occurrences with prudence. The parish has not yet ruled on the alleged event, which they must investigate to determine if it is of supernatural nature.

Whether or not the image of Christ wept, we know that Jesus is always with us and awaits us in the Eucharist.

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