Pope Benedict XVI refers to Saint Mary Magdalene as “a disciple of the Lord who plays a lead role in the Gospels.”
In fact, Saint Mary Magdalene is one of the most prominent women mentioned in the New Testament, but not much is known about her.
We know that she was a faithful follower and friend of Jesus Christ and the first witness of the Resurrection, and on June 10, 2016, Pope Francis raised her memorial to a feast in the Church.
Throughout history, countless artists have depicted this biblical woman in unique ways. Some choose to highlight her sinful past or conversion, while others choose to feature her at the foot of the Cross.
Below are 5 historic works of art depicting Saint Mary Magdalene, followed by a powerful prayer for her intercession:

Prayer to St. Mary Magdalene
Praise be to Thee,
O Christ, Creator, Redeemer, and Saviour,
Of heaven and earth and seas, of angels and of men,
Whom we confess to be both God and Man,
Who didst come in order to save sinners,
Thyself without sin, taking the appearance of sin.
Among this poor flock, Thou didst visit
the Chanaanite woman and Mary Magdalene.
From the same table,
Thou didst nourish the one
with the crumbs of the Divine Word,
the other with Thy inebriating cup.
While Thou art seated at the typical feast
in the house of Simon the Leper,
The Pharisee murmurs, while the woman weeps,
conscious of her guilt.
The sinner despises his fellow sinner, Thou,
sinless one hearest the prayer of the penitent,
cleanses her from stains,
lovest her so as to make her beautiful.
She embraces the feet of her Lord,
washes them with her tears,
dries them with her hair: washing and wiping them,
she anoints them with sweet ointment,
and covers them with kisses.
Such, O Wisdom of the Father,
is the banquet that delights Thee!
Though born of a Virgin,
Thou cost not disdain to be touched by a sinful woman.
The Pharisee invited Thee,
but it is Mary that gives Thee a feast.
Thou forgivest much to her that loves much,
and that falls not again into sin.
From seven devils dost Thou free her
by Thy sevenfold Spirit.
To her, when Thou risest from the dead,
Thou showest Thyself first of all.
By her, O Christ, thou cost designate the Gentile Church,
the stranger whom Thou callest to the children's table;
Who, at the feast of the Law and at the feast of grace,
is despised by the pride of Pharisees,
and harassed by leprous heresy.
Thou knowest what manner of woman she is; it is because she is a
sinner that she touches Thee, and because she longs for pardon.
What could she have, poor sick one, without receiving it, and
without the physician assisting her?
O King of kings, rich unto all, save us, wash away all the stains
of our sins, O Thou the hope and glory of the saints.
Congratulate me, all ye that love the Lord; for He whom I sought
appeared to me: * And while I wept at the tomb I saw my Lord,
V. When the disciples withdrew, I did not withdraw, and being
kindled with the fire of His love, I burned with desire.
*And while.
We beseech Thee, O Lord, that we may be helped by the intercession
of blessed Mary Magdalen, entreated by whose prayers Thou didst
raise up again to life her brother Lazarus, who had been dead four
days. Thou Who livest and reignest forever.
(Taken from Volume XIII of "The Liturgical Year" by Abbot
Gueranger O.S.B. published by Marian House, Powers Lake, ND
Prayer Source: EWTN