This is so cute!
Pope Francis had an amazing response after a mute autistic boy escaped his mother and ran on stage during the Vatican audience today.
The boy, a seven-year-old Argentinian named Wenzel Eluney first tugged on a swiss guard’s hand, then ran across the stage.

His mother then got ahold of him and spoke to the Holy Father.

When his mother ran on stage to get him, the pope said, “Just let the boy play here if he wants to. Just leave him.”
However, a few minutes later, a little girl appears on stage as well. Both the pope and archbishop sat there chuckling.

In the video, you can hear clapping and laughing from the audience. The English translator also said that many people were smiling.
After all of this, the Pope had an amazing response to what happened.
“This boy cannot talk–is mute. But he knows how to communicate. And it has made me think–he’s free.
He then asked the audience, “Am I also free like this before God?”
According to Catholic News Agency, Pope Francis said, “Wenzel models the freedom each of us should have in our relationship with God.”
You can watch his general audience below:
(the boy appears around 23:00)
Are you free like this before God?
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