Can sisters win an award for answering frequently googled questions over a cup of tea? 

Yes, indeed they can! 

In a video published by Ascension Presents titled, “The Sisters of Life Answer the Internet’s Top Questions About Nuns,” Sister Mary Grace, S.V., and Sister Marie Veritas, S.V. humorously answer some of the world’s most pressing questions about the lives of sisters and nuns. 

From answering questions like “Can sisters drive?” to “Do sisters marry Jesus?”, these sincere women share insights into the religious life that outsiders often lack. 

This video contains highly sought-after questions as it quickly became one of Ascension's most viral pieces, reaching over 4.4 million views across platforms, including YouTube, Instagram, and Facebook.

Now, the video has helped Ascension Presents win its second "Telly Award." 

The Telly Awards were founded in 1979 on the principle of “honoring excellence in video and television across all screens” with any budget and in any market. Ascension, after being recognized for their content at these awards for five years in a row, won their second Golden Telly for the sisters’ video. 

As a Gold Winner in the Education & Discovery — Social Video category, this video joins top companies like Adobe, Warner Bros., and Delta Airlines who all competed for recognition from Telly Award judges. 

Now the video continues to answer the most often googled questions about sisters on Ascension’s YouTube where many non-Catholics have shared their perspectives in the comment section. 

Click here if you cannot see the video above.

The top comment stated, “As an atheist, I find great value in exploring the perspectives of others. They seem happy and fulfilled, and at the end of the day, isn't that what everyone's looking for? Good for them! Greetings from Costa Rica.” 

Another commenter shared, “I’m not Catholic (Protestant Christian), but been subscribed for quite some time.  I thoroughly enjoyed your video and hope you do more.  Your love for Jesus is so apparent and you honor Him.   Thank you sisters ❤️ ✝️”. 

One user highlighted the beauty of how the video reached so many non-Catholics and stated, “Isn't it amazing that so many of the positive comments are from people not of the Catholic faith or any faith in God? Truth is so beautifully attractive to the world and to those looking for peace and purpose.” 

Ascension responded to the praise by releasing a sequel titled, “The Sisters of Life Answer MORE of the Internet's Top Questions About Nuns.”

Here the comments were the same:

“As a non-religious person watching this, it’s so lovely to see them so happy!” one user said.

"I'm an atheist, raised Catholic... I'll never understand their path, but I respect it,” another user commented.

“I’m not/have never been Catholic... but listening to you both fills my heart with joy and awe," someone else said.

Here's that video below: 

Click here if you cannot see the video above.

While the incredible quality of Ascension’s content may have been what won this video a Gold Telly Award, it is the beauty of truth captured in these sisters’ responses and joy that won the hearts of so many believers and non-believers alike. 

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