Singer-Songwriter Says "A Sign from God" Brought Her to the Sisters of Life Amid Unplanned Pregnancy

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Raisa, EWTN News / ChurchPOP

Babies are a "blessing from God" even when a mother faces an unplanned pregnancy.

This is what up-and-coming singer-songwriter Raisa told EWTN News in an interview during Life Fest, an annual March for Life event the Sisters of Life and the Knights of Columbus sponsor.

Raisa performed her original song, "Madre," and provided her pro-life testimony about embracing motherhood after she became pregnant with her twin daughters.

The singer says she had a high-risk pregnancy and was told to consider abortion.

She told those encouraging abortion, "Definitely not," and considers babies and pregnancy a blessing.

"When I found out I was pregnant, they told me because I was a high-risk pregnancy... [that I should] consider getting an abortion. That's when I said, 'Definitely not. That's not going to happen," Raisa says. "I think this is a blessing from God."

Raisa then explains that someone informed her about the Sisters of Life and their mission of helping pregnant women "move forward."

Raisa thought, "Maybe I should go and get to know them."

She then says went to the sisters and received a "sign from God."

"I never ate eggs. Everything was stinking and that was the first time I ate something good," she elaborates.

Raisa then thought, "I am supposed to be with them. I moved in with them the next day, and that's when my journey started and [now] it's history."

Raisa is now the mother of twin girls.

Watch her testimony below:

Click here if you cannot see the video above.

The Sisters of Life describe their mission as "serving women who are vulnerable to abortion, giving them the support and resources to be able to choose life for themselves and their children; hosting weekend retreats; evangelization; outreach to college students; and helping women who have suffered after abortion to encounter the mercy and healing of Jesus Christ."

Let us pray for all mothers considering abortion!