The Stunningly Beautiful Modern Catholic Art of Sheila Diemert

Do you ever look at the great cathedrals and masterpieces of the past and wonder why Catholics aren’t doing things like that anymore? Shouldn’t people with Jesus Christ as their inspiration be producing the best art in the world?
Never fear! God has been quietly raising up a new generation of highly skilled and innovative Catholic artists for his glory. And Sheila Diemert is one of them.
“To me, being an artist in the Church, is about trying to show the beauty of God’s creation,” she told ChurchPOP. “Art should lift our hearts and minds to our Creator.”
Below are 12 examples of some of her beautiful Catholic-themed art. You can find more of her work on her website and on her blog. If you like a particular work, you can click the image to learn how you can buy a print (you can get them on canvas, greeting cards, pillows, etc) – and support her important work.
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Our Lady Queen Of Mercy

St. Michael the Archangel
Madonna and Child
St. Therese Of Lisieux
Mary, Undoer Of Knots
Pope St. John Paul II
Guardian Angel
Divine Mercy
St. Bernadette Soubirous
St. Gabriel the Archangel
St. Kateri Tekakwitha
Aren’t these awesome?! And there’s more where that came from.
You can find more about her work (including how to buy prints) on her website and on her blog. And you can follow her on Facebook, Twitter, and Pinterest.
Do you know of another great contemporary Catholic artist? Share about them in the comments!
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