Scott Hahn’s son Jeremiah has received the “Rite of Candidacy to the Priesthood,” Scott Hahn announced on Facebook earlier this week. This puts Jeremiah one step closer to being ordained a priest!
Here’s the Facebook post:
The post reads: “What a joy to see our Jeremiah received in the ‘Rite of Candidacy to the Priesthood’ (by our beloved shepherd, Bishop Monforton). Thanks be to God!”
The bishop mentioned is Jeffrey Marc Monforton, bishop of the diocese of Steubenville, OH. Hahn is a theology professor at the Franciscan University of Steubenville, OH.
Hahn is world famous for his Catholic apologetics, delivered in books, speeches, and videos. Once a presbyterian pastor, Hahn was eventually convinced of the Catholic faith and converted, along with his wife Kimberly. Their book Rome Sweet Home, in which they share their conversion story, has touched the lives of millions of people all over the world.
Jeremiah is one of the Hahns’ six children.
Say a prayer for Jeremiah and for all seminarians!
[See also: A Priest’s Warning Against the Devil’s 10 Deadliest Tricks]
[See also: What This Priest Saw in Medjugorje]