Rejoice! Mercedarian Sisters Beautifully Sing Inspirational A Capella Hymn for Third Week of Advent

It’s never too late to rejoice!
At least, that’s what the Mercedarian Sisters of the Blessed Sacrament sang today on their Instagram in honor of Gaudete Sunday, or the third Sunday of Advent.
Listen to their beautiful (and joyful) song below:
Click here if you cannot see the video above.
As we light the pink candle on the advent wreath, we remember that the third week of advent represents joy. The latin word “gaudete” means “rejoice.”
So rejoice! Jesus is coming!
Have a joyful third week of Advent!
[See also: Haven’t Been to Confession in Years? This Priest Provides 3 Great Ways to Prepare Your Heart This Advent]
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