Pro-Choicer Concedes After Challenging Pro-Lifers' Support of Struggling Moms - Read Her Surprising Post!

God works in mysterious ways!
Sarah Tuttle-Singer, an abortion supporter, blogger and author, recently asked Twitter users to explain how pro-lifers help single mothers in need.
Singer did not expect any useful responses, but she instead received a plethora of answers explaining how the pro-life movement helps single, low-income mothers.
Here’s her first tweet below:

Her post reads, “Dear Pro-Life friends: what have you *personally* done to support lower income single mothers?/ I’ll wait:”
Singer did not have to wait long! The tweet currently has more than 8,000 responses, many of which explain how the pro-life movement helps single mothers and families in need.
Here’s some of the responses below:

“Last year alone, we raised a quarter million dollars to support families and centers who take in moms and their babies. We get them prenatal and postnatal care, help them get started on education, jobs, whatever they need,” Daily Wire Senior Editor Emily Zanotti responded.
Houston Chronicle political blogger Kathleen McKinley also responded, “Google The Nurturing Network, Birthright, and Project Gabriel.
“Pro life women & men (including myself) have supported/volunteered here for decades. Also all manner of help through Catholic Charities. Get out of the liberal bubble.’
These were just two examples of the thousands of tweets Singer received. After this outpouring of pro-life and pro-woman answers, the staunch pro-abortion advocate gave a surprising pro-life response.
Here’s what Singer said:
Her full tweet reads, “I am delighted to see that there are good people out there supporting struggling single moms:) wish our government did more, too!”
It’s not every day a pro-abortion advocate concedes an opinion!
Father Dan Beeman, the pastor of Holy Trinity Catholic Church in Norfolk, Virginia, retweeted Singer’s concession with this response:
His full tweet reads, “I don’t think this thread went the way she thought this thread would go.
“Catholics, non-Catholic Christians, and people of good will have never stopped caring for every woman, every child, every man.”
Were you surprised with her concession? God can move any heart!
[See also: Priest Harassed By NYC Pro-Abortionists During Peaceful Pro-Life March]
[See also: Alyssa Milano Calls for “Sex Strike” & Pro-Lifers Are Gloriously Responding]