Cool! Priests, Friars, & Catholic Schools Make Viral "Mannequin Challenge" Videos

Cool! Priests, Friars, & Catholic Schools Make Viral "Mannequin Challenge" Videos
Vince Carrasco, Facebook / WhyNotPriest, Facebook

This is tons of fun!

If you haven’t heard of it already, the Mannequin Challenge is the newest video meme. Like the Ice Bucket Challenge and Harlem Shake trends, the Mannequin Challenge is a kind of video that people make their own version of. In this case, a group of people stand very still like they’re frozen in time while someone walks around them recording a video.

Here’s one by the Midwest Capuchin Franciscan Vocation Office:

And here’s one by WhyNotPriest:

Some Catholic schools have also joined in the fun:

Know of any other cool Catholic Mannequin Challenge videos? Share in the comments!

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