This Priest Has a Simple & Innovative Way to Reach College Students with the Faith

Florida State University’s Catholic Student Union and St. Thomas More Catholic Church in Tallahassee, FL have teamed up for an innovative way to reach college students with the faith: simply having a priest available to talk about anything on a bench on campus.
Here’s what it looks like:

The text of the Catholic Student Union Facebook post reads: “Ya boy Fr. Tim is out on Landis today! Stop by and say hi! He will be doing confessions and just chattin up the college folk.”
And the sign in the picture explaining that the priest is available says: “Catholic priest available. Need Confession? Have questions? Want to talk?”
Comments on the Facebook post are very positive.
“This is terrific! God bless you, Fr Tim! Thank you!” one person wrote. “Wow this is amazing!!! 😊 Whoever had this idea, go you!!!!” another person said.
What a great idea!
Do you think this is something that should be tried at other locations? Let us know in the comments!
[See also: Epic Fail: College Students Mistake Dominican for KKK Member]
[See also: The Inside Story of the Woman Who Fought Satan At Harvard]