Priest Harassed By NYC Pro-Abortionists During Peaceful Pro-Life March

Priest Harassed By NYC Pro-Abortionists During Peaceful Pro-Life March
YouTube / ChurchPOP

Please pray for all pro-abortion advocates!

On the First Saturday of every month, pro-lifers in New York City pray and march as witnesses for the unborn.

Religious orders, including the Franciscan Friars of the Renewal, along with laypeople, gather for the “Witness for Life.”

We previously posted an article covering this event showing what happens when pro-lifers pray on the streets of New York City.

The same user posted another video covering the event this past March.

Pro-lifers prayed the rosary before a Planned Parenthood in the East Village of New York City. Pro-abortion advocates met them with terrible hostility and hateful posters.

In the beginning of the video, they chant “Hey Mosckinski, why do you hate women!?”

These pro-abortion advocates singled out Fr. Fidelis Moscinski, CFR, because they are aware of his strong pro-life position after police arrested him last year for counseling and offering women red roses inside an abortion clinic. 

The video features posters of Fr. Moscinski on his knees during his arrest. The posters accuse him of being a “clinic invader.”

Watch the pro-lifers and pro-abortion advocates in the video below:

Please pray for an end to abortion!

[See also: Here’s What Happens When Pro-Lifers Pray on the Streets of New York City]

[See also: 4D Baby Ultrasound Broadcast Live from New York City’s Time Square – Watch it Here!]