Pres. Trump Watches Mass Via Live-Stream at St. Patrick's Cathedral, Thanks Cardinal Dolan

@realDonaldTrump, Twitter / ChurchPOP

Pres. Donald Trump watched Sunday Mass via live-stream on April 25.

The President first took to Twitter to thank Catholic leaders and educators for “a great call.” He then announced his plan to attend Mass via live-stream at St. Patrick’s Cathedral in New York City.

He also invited his followers to join him for Mass.

Here’s his tweet below:

@realDonaldTrump, Twitter

The president’s full tweet reads, “Had a great call with Catholic leaders and educators earlier today. I will be online tomorrow at 10:15 A.M. (Eastern) for Sunday Mass celebrated by @CardinalDolan at St. Patrick’s Cathedral (@StPatsNYC) in New York City. Join me:”

The president followed up with another tweet on Sunday morning, thanking Cardinal Dolan for both the call and the live-stream.

Here’s this follow-up tweet below:

@realDonaldTrump, Twitter

The full tweet reads, “@CardinalDolan Thank you for a great call yesterday with Catholic leaders, and a great service today from

Here’s Sunday’s live Mass from St. Patrick’s Cathedral:

Click here if you cannot see the video above. 

Pray for President Trump!

[See also: Divine Mercy Miracle? Light Beams From Divine Mercy Image During Parish Mass Live-Stream]

[See also: 4 Powerful Pro-Life Quotes from President Trump’s State of the Union Address]

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