Pres. Trump Posts Abp. Viganò's Letter, Calls it "Incredible": "I Hope Everyone Reads It"
President Donald Trump responded to Abp. Carlo Maria Viganò’s open letter in a June 10 tweet.
The retired archbishop wrote a letter over the weekend warning the president of a spiritual battle he believes wages between good and evil.
Apb. Viganò refers to the battle as “biblical,” saying he believes it is between “the children of light and the children of darkness.”
Pres. Trump responded with this tweet:
Along with a link to the letter, the president’s full tweet reads, “So honored by Archbishop Viganò’s incredible letter to me. I hope everyone, religious or not, reads it!”
As of this writing, the tweet generated nearly 130,000 likes, almost 50,000 retweets, and more than 20,000 responses.
Here’s what some users said:
This user said, “I am stunned by the beauty and truth in Archbishop Viganò’s heartfelt letter to you. He has captured where we are as a nation and the strength and goodness of your positions. We all must pray that God watches over us and we prevail.”
Another user commented, “It is exactly the fight of good against evil. Each with his conscience. Loving God above all things and your neighbor as yourself. So simple and so difficult.”
Another user quoted a line in Abp. Viganò’s letter.
The user tweeted, “‘United against the Invisible Enemy of all humanity, I bless you and the First Lady, the beloved American nation, and all men and women of good will.’ + Carlo Maria Viganò.”
Whether or not you agree with Abp. Viganò’s letter, let us always join in prayer for all of our church, government, and world leaders.
Mary, Mother of the Church, please pray for us! 🙏
[See also: Apb. Viganò Warns Pres. Trump of Spiritual Battle Waging Between Good and Evil in Open Letter]
[See also: End Crisis & Division: A Powerful Prayer to Our Lady of Sorrows for Peace in the United States]