Pregnant Woman With Terminal Cancer Miraculously Healed: "This Baby Saved My Life"

“This baby saved my life,” breast cancer survivor Jessica Hanna told EWTN Pro-Life Weekly in a Sept. 1, 2022 interview.
The mother of four children received a terminal breast cancer diagnosis when she was 14 weeks pregnant with her now one-year-old son, Thomas Solanus. Doctors suggested she abort, but following birth, she was miraculously healed.
Hanna’s cancer was misdiagnosed at first, but once she became pregnant, she asked them to check again.
“He’s the one that saved my life. If I hadn’t gotten pregnant, I never would have double-checked it,” Hanna said.
“From then on, it was a journey of–you’ve talked the pro-life talk, and you’ve become the woman that everyone uses in their arguments. ‘What if the woman’s life is in danger?’ And now it’s time for you to walk the walk.”
Hanna turned to her faith in suffering, especially the intercession of Blessed Solanus Casey and Saint Gianna Beretta Molla.
She said she turned to Blessed Solanus Casey “after every chemo treatment and prayed at his tomb” for miraculous healing and a healthy baby.
She also said St. Gianna Molla inspired her to undergo safe cancer treatments during pregnancy.
Here’s her story below:
Hanna’s Instagram account also notes her journey, both past and present.
The cancer survivor and mother published this video revealing how trusting God saved the lives of her and her child.
“…if I listened to the doctors every single time, either myself or Thomas would not be alive,” Hanna wrote. “Instead, I chose to listen to God, His Word and the promptings of the Holy Spirit. In the end, I am cancer-free and Thomas is a thriving one-year-old boy.”