Pray the Rosary With These Beautiful "Down Syndrome Angels" Who Radiate Christ's Love

Pray the Rosary With These Beautiful "Down Syndrome Angels" Who Radiate Christ's Love
One Hail Mary at a Time, YouTube

This is such a beautiful video!

Kristin, a wife and mother of six children and the founder of the blog “One Hail Mary at a Time,” posted a video praying the rosary with her two brothers, Jordan and Scotty, who both have Down syndrome. 

Some of her children make appearances as well!

The light of Christ beams throughout the video, as they are so joyful each time they say Jesus’ name. How beautiful!

Purity and innocence radiate through their prayers, which I know Jesus definitely appreciates very much!

Watch the video below:

Please click here if you cannot see the video.

O Mary, conceived without sin, pray for us who have recourse to thee!

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