Pope Calls All Catholics to Consecrate Russia & Ukraine - How to Watch & Participate

Daniel Ibáñez

Pope Francis is calling all Catholics to participate in consecrating Russia and Ukraine to the Immaculate Heart of Mary.

In a March 21 letter, the pope asked Bishops to request that “priests, religious, and the faithful assemble in their churches and places of prayer” to recite the consecration prayer on Fri., March 25.

“This Act of Consecration is meant to be a gesture of the universal Church, which in this dramatic moment lifts up to God, through his Mother and ours, the cry of pain of all those who suffer and implore an end to the violence, and to entrust the future of our human family to the Queen of Peace,” Pope Francis said.

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“I ask you to join in this Act by inviting the priests, religious, and faithful to assemble in their churches and places of prayer on 25 March, so that God’s Holy People may raise a heartfelt and choral plea to Mary our Mother.”

Click here if the full consecration prayer.

Here’s the full letter below:

vatican.va, Screenshot

How to watch Pope Francis’ Act of Consecration

EWTN will livestream the consecration on television, the app, and various EWTN Facebook pages, including ChurchPOP. The network provides all streams free of charge.

The Pope will begin with a penance service at 5 p.m. Rome time and conclude around 6:30 p.m. with the consecration prayer.

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Parishes throughout the world will also lead their own recitation of the consecration prayer, in accordance with the request of Pope Francis.

Here’s a helpful schedule:


Immaculate Heart of Mary, pray for us, now and at the hour of our death!

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[See also: Vatican Releases Full Consecration Prayer of Russia & Ukraine – Read it Here!]

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