This is so funny – but also makes a great point!
God is not just for “religious” things, God is the Creator and King of the Universe! Everything in the world, every part of our lives and of human society, should be consecrated and offered back to Him.
That’s why the Church has created blessings for all sorts of things! In the 1964 edition of the Rituale Romanum, one of the Church’s official books of rituals, there is a section with “Blessings of things designated for ordinary use.” We’ve previously talked about the blessings for beer and your car, but there are blessings for basically anything.
Which takes us to Poland. Apparently Catholic priests there have taken this to heart and really do bless just about everything. Someone has been compiling pictures of this phenomenon with a Tumblr blog called “Polish Priests Blessing Things,” and we’ve chosen the best ones to share with you.
Medical equipment
Motorcycle helmets
New road
High school gym
Newly opened IKEA store
Bitcoin embassy
Police cars
Flock of sheep
Grenade launchers
Train station
Sports field
Manhole covers
For a similar article about Orthodox priests blessing everyday objects, check out this article from our friends at EpicPew!
[See also: All the Many Rites of the Catholic Church (Including the Lesser-Known Ones), In One Diagram]
[See also: “Best Birthday Ever”: How Lisa Cotter Found Herself Evangelizing in the Confession Line]