Parish in Africa Braves Heavy Rain During Eucharistic Procession in Inspiring Act of Faith

Corpus Christi procession in the rain / @catholictrends, YouTube

The climate does not prevent us from living the faith!

The faithful of a parish in Africa demonstrated this when they did not stop accompanying Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament during a Eucharistic procession, despite the rain.

On the Solemnity of Corpus Christi, the Parish of Saint Charles Lwanga in Accra, Ghana did not allow inclement weather to stop them. In the midst of torrential rain, they continued with the Eucharistic procession.

With songs and posters, reading passages from the Bible, children, adults, and the elderly walked through the city accompanying the monstrance with the Blessed Sacrament.

Here's the video below:

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The video spread across the world and generated approximately two million views, almost 27,000 likes, 2,400 comments, and 13,000 shares on Facebook.

Many users commented on their admiration for the participants' testimony of faith.

“Those are the true followers of Jesus, despite the storm, all behind God. That is having FAITH. Seeing them, I feel very small. May God give me the faith of those Christians and may he always bless them,” one person said.

“God bless you abundantly for your resilience. May this rain be a source of blessings for you,” another user commented.

“Such strong and unwavering dedication. It is inspiring! They refuse to let any amount of rain dampen their passionate spirits...amazing,” someone else added.

“The rain doesn't matter when there is faith and the desire to follow Christ,” another person said.

Bishop of San Sebastián, Spain José Ignacio Munilla shared the video on his Facebook page where he highlighted this example of the faith:

“I will follow you, Lord, against all winds and tides, wherever you go…”

Below are more photos the parish published of the beautiful Eucharistic procession:

O Sacrament Most Holy, O Sacrament Divine, all Praise and all thanksgiving, be every moment Thine!

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