Where God Was Born: Inside the Holy Church of the Nativity in Bethlehem
What a blessed place!
What a blessed place!
One of the most beloved Christmas carols of all time began in an unexpected, but clever way–all because an organ did not work.
Did you know the Christmas rose isn't actually a rose? Here's what it all means.
Below you will find a prayer for Saint Nicholas’ intercession for children and a prayer for the spirit of childhood.
Is "The Twelve Days of Christmas" a secret code? Here's what it all means!
How is your Advent going so far? 🎄
Hallow App co-founder and CEO Alex Jones says recruiting celebrities is about reaching fallen-away Catholics and those who are not particularly religious.
It's not too late to pray the "O" Antiphons of Advent!
Did bringing back the years-long tradition of a game day Mass help lead Notre Dame to the NCAA playoffs?
This year, the international exhibition, "100 Nativity Scenes in the Vatican" is being held again, showcasing works by artists from all over the world.
Do you ever make any do-it-yourself crafts during the holiday season?
Located at 3,900 feet above sea level in the French Alps, Grande Chartreuse Monastery is only accessible on foot and is known for its top-secret liqueur recipes.
What are your favorite Christmas songs?
Father Stephen Elser of the Diocese of Little Rock, Arkansas, provides three ways Catholics can prepare their hearts for confession this Advent, especially if it's been a while.
Scripture, tradition, and theology beautifully reveal God’s design for the priesthood!
Could true friendship be the best help for sailing through life’s spiritual seas?
Have we lost touch with the prayers that shield us in spiritual warfare?
Thousands rallied across the United States to defend life and make their voices heard.
The documentary, "Radiating Joy: The Michelle Duppong Story," will hit select theaters in February 2024.
"...she’s an intercessor, she worries about you, constantly prays that you don’t goof off and lose your soul..”
“Thou hast written well of me, Thomas; what reward wilt thou have?”