"Our Little Saint": 9-Year-Old Girl Creates a Chapel...In Her Closet!

"Our Little Saint": 9-Year-Old Girl Creates a Chapel...In Her Closet!
@frgoyo, Twitter

Now we just might have a little saint-in-the-making!

Fr. Goyo Hidalgo, an associate pastor at St. Rose of Lima Catholic Church in the Archdiocese of Los Angeles, recently posted a video showing a 9-year-old girl’s at-home chapel.

In the video, the young girl’s mother shows us her daughter’s closet, which she turned into a chapel. According to the tweet, Fr. Goyo said “she invites her siblings to come and pray.”

On the closet wall is a holy water font, a photo the Blessed Virgin Mary and the Infant Jesus, a Guardian Angel photo, and a crucifix. There are also some religious books on the floor, a pretend chalice on one of the shelves and a place for written prayer requests!

As Fr. Goyo said, “This is amazing.”

You can see the full video below:

(If the video isn’t showing up for you, view it here.)

The full text of Fr. Goyo’s tweet reads, “’The chapel is open.’ This is so amazing. One of the moms in my parish sent me this video of her daughter’s chapel. She is 9 and she made a chapel in her closet. She invites her siblings to come and pray. #futureSaints”

In the video, her mother says, “This is what my daughter has been working on all weekend. She’s made a chapel in her closet so that anyone can come and pray at any time. We just love her. She’s going to be our little saint.”

Several users responded to the video.

Fr. Thomas Petri, OP, said, “Early signs of a vocation,” In which Fr. Goyo responded, “I already sent the mom a letter with the different orders explained 😜😜.”

Another user said, “Children are so beautiful and if parents would continue to nurture that relationship with Jesus, these children would be thriving adults in their faith. 🙏🏻 I have seen children who are so devout fall away and I see why. Pray for holy families. 🙏🏻”

This user said, “Beautiful. Her prayers must be bring such joy to the Lord!! 💕🌸”

As Jesus said in Mark 10:14, “Let the children come to me; do not prevent them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these.”

Let us pray for all children, that they will become future saints!

St. Philomena, patroness of infants, babies, children and youth, pray for us!

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