Nuns Explode Twitter With Hilarious "Super Bowl in the Convent" Tweets - Here's the Best Posts!

Nuns Explode Twitter With Hilarious "Super Bowl in the Convent" Tweets - Here's the Best Posts!
@DaughterStPaul, Twitter / @srseanm, Twitter

These tweets are so cute! 😂

Religious sisters across Twitter continued their annual #SuperBowlintheConvent trend during the 2022 Super Bowl between the Los Angeles Rams and the Cincinnati Bengals on Sun., Feb. 13.

The Catholic sisters with the Daughters of St. Paul began the entertaining tradition after they trended during the 2017 Super Bowl. Sr. Theresa Aletheia, FSP, then invited other nuns on Twitter to participate.

Here’s some of this year’s best tweets. Enjoy!

@ForJoysSake, Twitter

Sister Benedicta, FSP, of the Daughters of St. Paul wrote, ‘I kind of like the yellow pants. Makes it easier to see where they are.’ / #SuperBowlintheConvent”

@SNKunze, Twitter

Benedictine Sister Nicole Kunze wrote, “One of the sisters asked what DRE stood for. I told her it was Director of Religious Education. #SuperBowlInTheConvent”.

(DRE refers to rapper Dr. Dre, who performed at this year’s Super Bowl.)

@SisterAudraHM, Twitter

Sister Audra of the IHM Sisters wrote, “Nun 1: when this quarter is over what happens? / Nun 2: we do dishes #SuperBowlintheConvent”.

@SisterAudraHM, Twitter

In another tweet, Sister Audra said, “Thoughts and prayers to all the young nuns that are now explaining QR codes to their housemates. / #SuperBowlintheConvent”.

@sister_allison, Twitter

Sister Allison Regina Gliot, FSP, of the Daughters of St. Paul said, “Kinda love that it’s totally acceptable to scream at the top of your lungs in the convent when football is on. / #SuperBowlintheConvent”.


Sister Josephine Garrett of the Holy Family of Nazareth published photos making homemade Bailey’s Irish Cream.

Sr. Josephine wrote, “Missed the kick off, and a solid portion of the first quarter (it’s quarter right?) BUT we have homemade Bailey’s!! 😂 #SuperBowlInTheConvent”.

@SrAndrewFSP, Twitter

Sister Andrew Marie of the Daughters of St. Paul wrote, “Player kneels down. / Sister: ‘He just genuflected!’ / #SuperBowlintheConvent”.

@ForJoysSake, Twitter

Sister Benedicta of the Daughters of St. Paul also wrote, “*QR code with no explanation* / Sister: ‘We learned about this! Security issue!’ / Sister in charge of IT: ‘I’m so proud of you!’ / #SuperBowlintheConvent”.

@sramandamarie, Twitter

Sister Amanda Marie of the Daughters of St. Paul wrote, “Announcer: ‘They didn’t convert midfield…’ / Nun: ‘We all need to convert!’ / #SuperBowlintheConvent”.

@SrAndrewFSP, Twitter

In two additional tweets, Sister Andrew Marie, FSP, wrote, “[In]case anyone needs an explanation about football!”

“Nun 1: I don’t know how football works!

“Nun 2: (92 years old from Italy): well one team wins and one team will lose!”

Which tweet is your favorite?

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