New Bishop's 80-Yr-Old Mum Gives Her Son Great Advice in Hilarious Video

New Bishop's 80-Yr-Old Mum Gives Her Son Great Advice in Hilarious Video
Bishop Richard Umbers, Facebook

This is a lot of fun – and has a great message!

“Okay, mum,” the then-Bishop-elect Richard Umbers said to his 80-something year old mother in the video (which you can watch at the end of this article). “Well, in a few days time, I’m going to be ordained a bishop.”

“I know, I can’t believe it,” she replied.

“So, what advice do you have for me?”

“Father Frank’s advice of don’t get too carried away.” They both laughed

“What else? Anything else?”

“You’ll have everybody making a fuss of you. But just remember you’re only Richard Umbers.” They both laughed again.

Sounds like good advice!

The video was posted on Richard Umbers’ Facebook page on August 19th. Umbers was consecrated a bishop just five days later and is now serving as Auxiliary Bishop of the Archdiocese of Sydney.

In the video’s description, Bishop Umbers added: “You don’t see it in the video but when I pressed her for more advice she became quite pensive and said ‘accept everything the Lord sends you.'”

Here’s the video:

Pray for our bishops!

[See also: A Bishop Challenged a Young Guy to a Push-Up Contest at WYD in Poland]

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