Mark Wahlberg Encourages Daily Holiness in Ash Wednesday Video: "Have a Beautiful Lenten Season"

This is a beautiful message!
Mark Wahlberg posted a video inspiring his followers in everyday holiness this Lenten season.
In the video, Wahlberg stands outside St. Paul the Apostle Church in Los Angeles with his Ash Wednesday ashes on his forehead.
“People always ask, ‘what are you going to give up for Lent?’ Wahlberg begins. “I think more importantly, let’s try to do more. More love, more peace, more acceptance, more caring, and more kindness!
“Have a beautiful Lenten season. God bless you all. I’ll see you on Easter. Love you.”
Watch the video below:
Click here if you cannot see the video above.
Wahlberg is often vocal about his Catholic faith.
He has posted similar Ash Wednesday messages in previous years, was an emcee at the Festival of Families during Pope Francis’ 2015 visit to the United States, and promoted priestly vocations in a video for the National Conference of Diocesan Vocation Directors in Boston.
However, Wahlberg has been criticized for his leading role in the vulgar Ted movie series. He has also implied his support for same-sex marriage.
Have a very blessed and holy Lenten season!
[See also: Mark Wahlberg Calls for Priestly Vocations, Says Catholic Faith’s “My Anchor”]
[See also: Mark Wahlberg Thanks Priest For Celebrating Mass, Posts Photo: “We Never Miss Mass”]