Joanna Gaines posted a super sweet photo, with an even sweeter description!
This time, the HGTV Fixer Upper star Joanna Gaines realized how her daughter prays. She said she hopes her faith will always remain childlike.
Check out her post below!

This is the text of her Instagram post:
“Walked into Emmie’s bathroom this morning and my heart stopped for a second when I thought she had sharpied all over her vanity.
“And then I took a moment and really read what she wrote and thought, “Well that isn’t the worst thing to be permanent”.
“Then I touched it and realized it was erasable😅.
“I stared at her question and loved the thought of it and that that’s how she talks to God.
“May her faith always stay childlike and may I remember what she seems to already know. That God is the most relational and the most kind, and always near. ❤️”
God calls us all to have the faith of childlike simplicity.
Jesus said in Matt. 18:3-5:
“Amen, I say to you, unless you turn and become like children,* you will not enter the kingdom of heaven.
“Whoever humbles himself like this child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven. And whoever receives one child such as this in my name receives me.”
Let us all have the faith of a child, as Jesus calls us!
[See also: “You Are Wanted By God”: How Praying with the Cross Can Provide Strength Throughout Your Day]
[See also: “He is a Gift”: Why Chip & Joanna Gaines’ New Baby Makes Them Beautiful Pro-Life Witnesses]