Jesus in the Eucharist visited the streets of New York City! 🙌
Thousands of Catholics attended a Eucharistic procession with a first-class heart relic of Blessed Carlo Acutis on Oct. 15, 2024, through the streets of Manhattan, New York.
The free event hosted by the Napa Institute and sponsored by Hallow began with Mass at Saint Patrick’s Cathedral on Tuesday afternoon.
Napa Institute reported that the event closed Manhattan's streets during rush hour. More than one hundred priests and religious from various orders joined the beautiful procession.
Bishop Joseph Espaillat began the evening with a Holy Hour reflection. Archbishop Paul Coakley of the Archdiocese of Oklahoma City celebrated Mass and President of the University of Mary Msgr. James Shea presented the homily. Cardinal Timothy Dolan of the Archdiocese of New York concluded the evening with Benediction.
This year's procession also involved the veneration of a first-class heart relic of Blessed Carlo Acutis. Msgr. Anthony Figueiredo traveled from Assisi to bring the relic to the faithful.
Archbishop Domenico Sorrentino of Assisi said the relic is a "fragment of the pericardium of Blessed Carlo Acutis."
"The pericardium is the membrane that surrounds the heart," he said. "It is beautiful and fitting that this reminds us of the heart of Carlo, inflamed with love for the Eucharistic Jesus."
Here's a video from the 2024 NYC Eucharistic Procession:
Here are photos from Napa Institute's NYC Eucharistic Procession:

How Attendees and Social Media Reacted to the NYC Eucharistic Procession
Several attendees told Napa Institute what they thought of the Eucharistic Procession.
“Seeing Catholics from all walks of life come together with a shared love for Jesus warmed my heart,” one attendee said.
“I’m rejuvenated by the whole experience,” another attendee explained.
“I will try to live my faith more openly,” someone else shared.
The NYC Eucharistic Procession produced buzz not only on Manhattan's streets, but also on social media.
Here's what some social media users said:
"I had the pleasure of attending this wonderful event. Adoration, Mass, then a Eucharistic procession to show all of NYC Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament," one Instagram user wrote.
"I love all of the priests and nuns in their habits," another user wrote.
"Solid procession of clergy and religious. If we could get that participation in every diocese in the country we’d have a revolution of love," someone else suggested.
"Need this in every major city nationwide," another user added.
"Yes!" Another person said. "Viva Cristo Rey. ❤️ Ave Maria."