Jesus was thoroughly Jewish. Even so, different cultures and ethnicities have often portrayed Jesus and others from the Bible as being from their group. Sometimes this is done to symbolize the fact that Jesus came for all the nations of the world.
Since Christianity for many centuries was based largely in Europe, these important characters of salvation history have often been depicted as white Europeans. Which is fine, but other cultures have also depicted them according to their own appearances.
Enter Lu Hongnian, a 20th century Chinese artist, that made these beautiful depictions of the life of Our Jesus Christ.
[See also: 13 Beautiful Non-White Depictions of the Blessed Virgin Mary]
[See also: 6 of the Oldest Images of Our Lord Jesus Christ]
The Annunciation

The Birth of Christ

The Angel appearing to the shepherds near Bethlehem

The Adoration of the Magi

The Flight into Egypt

Jesus with the Woman at the Well

Jesus washing the feet of his Apostles

Jesus calming the storm

[See also: 8 of the Oldest Images of the Blessed Virgin Mary]
[See also: If Jesus Had Been Korean: 20 Rare Paintings of the Life of Christ]