'Is It Really Sin?' Effective Ways to Recognize and Conquer Everyday Temptations

What can we do about our daily temptations? 🤔
On this episode of “The Catholic Gentleman,” John Heinen, Sam Guzman, and Devin Schadt discuss the difference between temptation and sin, and offer some great advice on what to do about these spiritual challenges!
Temptation vs. Sin?
We all experience temptation, but it isn’t actually sin itself! It’s more like sin’s invitation. Instead, recognize it as an opportunity to strengthen your spiritual resolve without condemning yourself for feeling tempted.
Schadt says this can help change your mindset from unnecessary guilt over mere thoughts or feelings, to growth.
"Temptation can form us - if we're leaning on God through that, it can truly strengthen us," he says.
Emotions & Mistakes Are Pathways to God!
"Emotions like anger or sadness are not sin. Sin resides in the will. It’s what you do with emotions that counts,” Guzman says.
By addressing our emotions constructively, we can use them to help us make wise choices that lead us not into temptation, but to God.
"Don't shame or attack your emotions," Guzman suggests. "They're like a check engine light on your dashboard. You can get angry at the light or you can say, 'What is it trying to tell me?'"
The Power of Acknowledging Weakness
Vulnerability and honesty let us trust in God’s mercy to overcome sin. When feeling tempted, admitting our weaknesses is an important step towards grace.
“Confession is so key. Just acknowledge your wickedness and then God will be so merciful," Schadt says.
The gentlemen say that as we look to Christ on the Cross, it is important to understand how our sin puts Him there and that there is mercy available to us!
Watch below 👇
“Despise your temptations and do not dwell on them.” - St. Padre Pio