Inspired by Mother Angelica, Catholic Social Media Influencer Quits His Job to Evangelize Gen Z

Inspired by Mother Angelica, Catholic Social Media Influencer Quits His Job to Evangelize Gen Z
Left: Mother Angelica, Credit: EWTN / Right: Jayden Remias, Credit: @jaydenremias, Instagram

When Jesus says, “Come, follow me,” does that mean you should quit your job to devote your life to building His kingdom? For Jayden Remias, it did.

Now proclaiming the Gospel through social media, Remias has always dreamed of creating video-based content for a living. When he was 14, he immediately felt drawn towards making videos.

In high school, he discovered his gift for creating entertaining content. Every time he made videos, he felt as though he was creating “a gift for others to unwrap.” Eventually, he decided that this was what he wanted to do for a living.

Remias dreamed of being a YouTuber and motivational speaker. He shared this dream with his dad who shut it down, asking his son to think of something practical. Remias was devastated.

Yet, he now tells ChurchPOP, “It’s 10 years later… and I think that the Lord remembered that gift and dream that God put in my life.”

Following high school, Remias spent a couple years studying media production before joining the Catholic missionary group in Ohio known as Damascus. There he mastered his production skills while advancing their mission through social media outreach and internal content.

Upon attending FOCUS' SEEK 2024 conference, Remias felt a sudden call from God.

In the perpetual adoration chapel amidst a busy conference with more than 20,000 young Catholics, Remias heard God call him through Mother Angelica’s story.

While speaking with ChurchPOP, he recounted reading about how Mother Angelica proceeded with a purchase worth millions of dollars despite only having $200 in her bank account. She knew that if God planned to continue with EWTN, He would provide.

Jayden felt such a strong call to quit his job to work full-time reaching Gen Z through social media. Inspired by Mother Angelica, he acted on that call.

When he left the adoration chapel, a woman on the escalator struck up a conversation with him. Being asked how his conference was, Remias responded by saying, “I think God’s asking me to quit my job.”

The lady shared with Remias that she knew God would confirm this reality to him through a priest’s words. 

Moments later, as campus ministers from across the United States listened to Father Mike Schmitz speak in a breakout session, Remias’s friend who was present at the talk texted him, “Fr. Mike Schmitz just quoted your work, your content.”

With that affirmation, he quit his job and picked up his camera to evangelize.

“10 years ago, I would have been creating content for myself, but 10 years later, I’m actually creating content for the kingdom,” Remias told ChurchPOP. “Amazing things happen when souls that have [the] faith say ‘yes.’”

Now, Remias is confident that “God wants laborers in every single mission field.”

With millions of views on his Instagram and many followers expressing that they are being drawn towards Christ, he has seen God deeply working through his content. 

Remias ended by stating, “When Gen Z is willing to leap in faith, I think the hopes and dreams for the Church will come alive.” With thousands of Gen Z present on social media, he knows God is calling him “to inspire others to live a life for Christ.”

Here's Remias' announcement on Instagram below:

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