Who's Your Confessor? Identify Your Favorite Priest in Confession in 6 Hilarious Infographics

@cathoholicism, Instagram / ChurchPOP

These are so great! 😂

The Instagram account Cathoholicism published six hilarious memes illustrating various types of priestly confessors.

Many describe the real-life qualities in some confessors. Others may be fictional humor. 😂

Cathoholicism owner Brian Edwards designed each meme, humorously explaining six types of confessors: The Good Confessor, The Mystical Confessor, The “love is love” Confessor, The Chastiser, The Import, and The Slow Burner.

Can you relate to any of these?

Here’s the graphics below:


@cathoholicism, Instagram

@cathoholicism, Instagram

@cathoholicism, Instagram

@cathoholicism, Instagram

@cathoholicism, Instagram

@cathoholicism, Instagram

Who is your favorite confessor? 

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[See also: Priest’s Supernatural Experience Unveils Saving Power of Confession: “Cannonball into Mercy!”]

[See also: 6 Spiritual Effects of Confession Every Catholic Should Know, In One Infographic]

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