"I Had to Become Catholic": The Supernatural Impact of the Miraculous Medal, in 8 Real-Life Stories

"I Had to Become Catholic": The Supernatural Impact of the Miraculous Medal, in 8 Real-Life Stories
Fr Lawrence Lew, O.P., Flickr, CC BY-NC-ND 2.0

The Miraculous Medal is such a powerful sacramental!

Nov. 28 is the feast St. Catherine Labouré, whose supernatural visions from the Blessed Mother gave us the Miraculous Medal.

Upon presenting the medal to St. Catherine, Our Lady said, “‘Have a medal struck according to this model; all those who wear it will receive great graces, especially if they wear it around their necks. I shall bestow many graces on those who put their trust in me.’”

The Instagram accounts Miraculous Revival and Sweet Catholic Life published a video asking social media users to share how the medal impacts their lives. Several users commented with incredible and miraculous testimonies connected to the sacramental.

Here’s the post below:


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The video’s text reads, “Mary promised great graces to those who wear the Miraculous Medal. And she always keeps her promises. / The miraculous medal changed my life / And mine too. / The Miraculous Medal has been the source of countless miracles, healings, and conversions. / How has the Miraculous Medal changed your life? Let us know in the comments below.”

Here’s how some users responded:

(Note: Comments edited for easier reading.)

@mrs_hannahbullous, Instagram

One Instagram user wrote, “I was gifted mine when I got my undergrad degree at 21 and haven’t taken it off since (11 years later). I got my brother his first silver one at 18 and his gold one at 21 (he’s now 25).

“I also gifted my husband a medal for his 30th. He’s not Catholic, but never takes it off. He’s very open to the Catholic faith and I pray that Mama Mary speaks to his heart. We’ve had many difficulties over the past two years, but the Blessed Virgin always brings me such comfort in these testing times. Deo Gratias. 🙏🏼”

@mirandalynncarver, Instagram

Another user said, “Before I was Catholic, I developed a hobby of making jewelry and at Joann’s. They sold a pack of connectors with little Virgin Marys and crosses… ”

“Over a year later, I started converting to Catholicism from new age spirituality. I learned they were medals for a rosary, and half of them were the Miraculous Medal! Before I even knew what it was, I was drawn to it, and I fully believe having those near me helped lead to my conversion.”

@pair_laura, Instagram

Instagram user Laura Pair wrote, “My miraculous medal broke a years-long addiction and made me a revert to the Catholic faith. I love Mother Mary so much!”

@anam_daois, Instagram

Another user said, “Everyday. Never without it. I feel not dressed without it on. It’s a source of strength and protection among many other things. ❤️🙏🏼”

@cynthia_estrada5, Instagram

Instagram user Cynthia Estrada added, “My anxiety has gone away since I started wearing mine, my faith is stronger! ❤️”

@maplefarmhouseco, Instagram

This user also said, “She saved my life and my family.

@ingridstpaul, Instagram

Instagram user Ingrid Wallace explained,I wore it during my infertility journey and eventually conceived my oldest, Catherine. [At four] months pregnant, I suddenly knew I had to become Catholic. That was 18 years ago.”

@ails_calica, Instagram

Instagram user @ails_calica said, “I started wearing it when I got sick. I believe through the years Mama Mary is constantly with me, praying for me for my health. Now, I feel better. 🙏❤️”

Do you wear the Miraculous Medal?

O Mary, conceived without sin, pray for us who have recourse to thee! 🙏

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[See also: How Our Lady Gave Us The Miraculous Medal: The Supernatural Vision of St. Catherine Labouré]

[See also: The Hidden Symbolism in the Miraculous Medal]